Embracing, understanding and supporting neurodivergent girls and woman – training day 20.2.2024 – in English

Kirjoittaja: Riikka Seppälä

How to succeed in supporting neurodivergent girls and women (autism/ADHD) to meet their full potential? Training is suited for both professionals and parents.

The training day will deepen the understanding of the daily life experiences of neurodivergent girls and women. It combines the latest international research, practical information, lived experiences and concrete ways to provide support in neuroaffirmitive way. In addition, the training will provide access to tools that are applicaple to use in everyday life. The training is beneficial for both parents and professionals and it is also found useful for the neurodivergent people themselves to strengthen their understanding of self.

The training day will offer, among other things:

-The latest international research on neurodiversity combined with the Brené Brown`s shame study, presentig factors naked to the eye, affecting the wellbeing and mental health of neurodivergent girls and women.

-Knowledge of the challenges and barriers in receiving diagnosis from the health care system and understanding the implications of not receiveing it, in different aspects of life in the short and longer term

-Perspectives on the emotional, neuropsychological, physical and social stressors of neurodivergent life and their impact life, including; every day functions, studies, relationships, worklife etc.

-Understanding of the role and impact of shame and how to best support the neurodivergent girls and women to build shame resilience skills

– Knowledge of anxiety-provoking, wellbeing-decreasing and resource-draining coping strategies, including masking, fear of rejection, comparison, compensation and perfectionism

-Skills to identify the factors that increase the sense of overwhelm; sensory processing, emotional stress, challenges with self -regulations and executive funtioning etc.

-Identifying the most effective ways to support in school life, working life, relationships, building a good path for oneself, etc.

-Support from solution-oriented and strengths-based approach and by providing access to empowerment, self-acceptance and self-compassion skills

Time: Tuesday 20.2.2024 from 10 am to 4 pm (timezone: UTC +2)

Cost: 220 eur + VAT 24% (Finnish taxation) , can be payed by credit card via Eezypay- service.

Feedback on Riikka’s trainings:

”Lots of new practical information and tips, and also confirmation of my own previous ideas.”

”Wonderful, warm and knowledgeable trainer, strong presence.”

”I take away shame, empathy and self-compassion, for myself and for the client.”

”Wonderful way of communicating, easy to take in.”

”I gained a lot of tools and also resilience.”

Request for more information, please send my email: riikka@toivontiella.fi


Riikka Seppälä / Toivontiella.fi (Instagram: @toivontiella)

More information: riikka@toivontiella.fi

Riikka is Dare to Lead trainer coach, speciliazing in neurodiversity, shame and resilience skills as well as building empathy and psychological safety. Riikka is also solutions focused, neuropsychiatric coach.


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